This Friday, September 26, as part of CreativeMornings/Montréal, colourist Catherine Allard will be dying my hair on the main stage at Espace Infopresse.
Why? Because I’ve always deeply admired people who participate in shaved head challenges. Many times I’ve wanted to do it, but because I’m too attached to my long hair, I was given the option to have my hair dyed for a good cause.
But the big question is, what colour?
That’s up to you to decide. Yes, you read that correctly. I’ve prepared a list of colours, each associated to a different cause. Now it’s your turn to vote for your favourite. For each vote, TP1 and CreativeMornings/Montréal will donate $1 each for the organization associated with the winning colour (maximum of $250 each).
So, what colour do you think goes best with my face?
560 votes later, copper won! TP1 and CreativeMornings/Montréal will give a donation to Mira. Since Mai Duong come up in second place, we will also give her foundation a dollar per vote!
