Each week, TP1 shares the top five articles that caught our attention. Here are your must-reads, published here and abroad, for the week of May 18.
The Hollywood model and the future of work
Hollywood definitely has a different approach to work. Multidisciplinary teams are created to manage a specific mandate and then deconstructed and built anew when a new project arises. Is this alternative to traditional work models adaptable to the shifting reality of our current economy?
→ Read it on New York Times
A 100% virtual rapper
An automated rap-generating algorithm is pushing the boundaries of artificial creativity. Using existing lyrics, this tool can differentiate between different rhymes and then “write” its own songs. This advanced technology poses some interesting questions about how music is composed
→ Read it on Technologyreview
Rewriting real-world tragedy through superhero movies
The movie industry releases superhero movies with lightning fast speed. Why is this genre so popular? Writer Todd VanDerWerff suggests that it’s rooted in our desire to rewrite real tragedies like 9-11 and resolve the flood of emotions they cause.
→ Read it on Vox
Is Mad Max a feminist movie?
In the last week, numerous U.S. media sources have called Mad Max a feminist movie. Is it truly a revolutionary film or is the industry and pop culture simply reacting because we see so few strong female roles on screen?
→ Read it on L’Actualité
The problem with instant articles on Facebook
The manner in which instant articles appear on your Facebook feed is as important as how they’re hosted. Although this in an interesting new approach to viewing online content, this model also poses some inconveniences and definitely reflects the Facebook-centric vision of this Menlo Park giant.
→ Read it on The Awl
Book recommendation of the week:
Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder. The concept of antifragility, developed by writer Nassim Nicholas Taleb, is not the opposite of fragility. «Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better». Therefore, eliminating all stress from a system only leads to greater damage in the long term. The goal is to create systems that improve and become stronger over time.
Read and recommended by John Pankert, Lead, strategy team, TP1.
Happy reading!
– The TP1 team
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